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The Great Svalbard War

Fuzz's picture

There’s a war raging in Svalbard right now. The Norwegians are fighting the Russians. The Polar Bears are battling the Artic Fox Eagles. As with all wars it all started over something small.

This is what started the Great Svalbard War.

1000 Approved 27/06/2016 – 20:07 admin -> _Red – For creating a TeamIPX YouTube account note 1000 svalbards removed because fuzz was mentioned in the title of the YouTube channel n0mad

Svalbard-Islands.jpg74.02 KB


Fuzz's picture



ok not really. Brought a smile to my face when I saw it today though.


Legit, i was doing my homework the other day, so i thought ok… ill take a 5 minute break, i look to see if im beating robag on the svalbard counter. turns out HOLY SH*T! (i actually screamed that out loud (i didnt look good at all :( )) now i understand. you know, i could delete Fuzz from the channel if ya want :P.

haha I love this team

I should be close to member :PPPPP

thanks guys


n0mad's picture


t00k U a while Fuzz n0w bef0re we start a war thank y0u f0r reminding me that Red gets 1000 f0r a YouTube channel then (Just did this n0w) minus 1000 f0r mentioning Fuzz in the title. Therf0re 0

OK s0 in truth Red, great w0rk, Red y0u will get sum svalbards after the BoD sits d0wn f0r 0ur annual meeting and arranges an appr0priate svalbards s0 it was sh0rt lived but we will get t0 it.


Put ya guns away Fuzz I remembered t0d0 the minus then carry the…..

Robag's picture

well Red the N0mad has smiled on you

some say the N0mad when appearing in pictures has no face
and when he is playing Mario carts on his WII the internet stops
all we know is he’s call the n0mad

viva the svalbards



well what can i say :P

Ill probs get told again on Friday night when on mumble. But please, Peace! Not in pieces!

Thanks Guys


Fuzz's picture


Good times :)

Lets settle this over some Rocket league!

Fuzz's picture


I was just looking for an excuse to post the Svalbard picture.

n0mad's picture

War has ended

Bef0re it even begun…

Enj0y y0ur svalbards Red..

Thanks N0mad

Thanks N0mad

From Adelaide (home of _REd – IPX)

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